Around the internet, you will find various people or organizations advertising a "Tactical Thumb Drive" for 50 dollars or some outrageous price. Not here, we scraped together, using Ai search, a whopping 1100 titles. I'm not even going to ask for your email in exchange for sharing this e-book cache. It's KOPIMI. share it freely.
If you need a micro-sd of this content, contact me. MORE BELOW
If you want to leave your email, CONTACT US PAGE.
The Vault has been growing, if you want access, contact me. This repository is both my pamphlets, and e-books from various authors on various subjects that are censored, hard-to-find, or of unique value, or rarity. If you have any dictionaries or encyclopedia or reference indexes of any sort preceding 1880, please send me a link. For access to the vault, you can use this: BMAC or just message me, and i will get you a link.